
About Spiritual Care

My name is Susan Katz. My work is to provide insights and sacred music, and to assist you when you are seeking direction. On my website you will find a variety of avenues of approach towards your spiritual wellbeing, including my Blog posts and Newsletter signup. I also provide services online and in person for Spiritual Care, Intuitive Consultation and Training, and Sacred Music.

I am a Professional Spiritual Healthcare Chaplain, offering Spiritual Care Counselling and Intuitive Guidance. My sessions are particularly designed to help you develop your own energetic self-management.

I play the Oboe and love hearing its plaintive and evocative voice. Notably, this music penetrates deeply into the soul, making it a particularly ideal instrument choice for sacred music.

Visit the other pages to find my special offerings, such workshops, lectures, and classes: ‘The Sabbath’; Text Study of the I Ching; Writing Prose or Poetry; ‘Life Cycle Traditions Across Cultures’; and ‘Cross-Cultural Wisdom Text Studies’. Additionally, contact me to discuss how I can provide Sacred Music for your worship or other events.